Sunday, November 21, 2010

Safety Tips For Tattoos

Basically there are 2 reasons why many people want to tattoo his body is, to the existence of ourselves and show the uniqueness of self and to gain social recognition or collective.A dermatologist from the University of Miami dermatologist Jonette Keri, MD, PhD. Saying that do not tattoo your body, because the condition of your skin and your body will be very different when compared to the body at a tattoo when you are 60 years later, community perception of the tattoo also still many who think negative. Side effects of tattoos are also prevalent such as infections (HIV and Hepatitis).I do not recommend you for a tattoo, but if you still want to tattoo the following suggestions you should consider:

Choosing a Tattoo Studio.
If you want to have a tattoo you in your body, it must be remembered that permanent tattoos are an invasive action that penetrates the layer of our skin and direct contact with body fluids and blood.Convince yourself that the studio where you'll tattoo your body in a sterile condition and clean (please check her bathroom.) Better yet, you are tattooed in a studio that has a constantly updated license.Check the equipment used, must be sterile and clean the same as found in the doctor's office or operating room, because both are invasive action.
Tips for a Safe Tattoo

Do not drink alcohol or take medicines such as aspirin the night before your tattoo.
Do not tattoo your body if Seang sick.
Make sure that all needles used new, sterile, and is used only to you (single use only)
Make sure the tattoo studio to have sterilization equipment to clean equipment after use (other than needles and gloves).
Make sure that the person who tattooed to your body wash your hands first and use sterile gloves. Better yet, tattoo artists have gotten quiet training prevention of infectious diseases through blood.
Make sure the area tattoo your body free from non-sterile supplies such as bottled water, dust and other goods that have nothing to do with the tattoo.
Request a list of the dye or ink used and the detailed information (the color, manufacturer, product code, etc.).
Once your body in tattoos, keep your body clean and better to take medicine such as antibiotics for infection prevention.
Once again I do not recommend you for a tattoo, because tattoos contain a lot of risk to health.Source: WebMD

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